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The purpose of Pirates Online Revolution is to revive the old MMORPG called Pirates of the Caribbean Online (POTCO for short) which ran from the year 2007 to the year 2013. Most of its fan base is still together on medias such as forums, Facebook groups, etc... We want to bring back what Disney couldn't:

A well developed game  that brings joy to its community and players. 


We have a 12-manned developer team, their names are:


Joe Moral

Christine Hayes

Braiden Brandon

Noah Lennards

Michael Touche

Bob Willis

Joel Johnsan

Will Frazier

Henry Farlend

Cole Frontier

Nickolas Jane

Gavin Novak


Each developer listed has had 10 years plus of developing experience. One of our developers, Cole Frontier, is a formal developer who has worked on popular games such as WarFace, Skyrim, Wizard 101 and Pirate 101!  


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